Treatment Centers by City
- New Orleans
- Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- Monroe
- Shreveport
- Lake Charles
- Mandeville
- Hammond
- Metairie
- New Iberia
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- Alexandria
- Bogalusa
- Covington
- Deridder
- Gonzales
- Gretna
- Houma
- Morgan City
- Opelousas
- Slidell
- Winnsboro
- Crowley
- Denham Springs
- Harvey
- La Place
- Luling
- Mamou
- Marrero
- Natchitoches
- Ruston
- Tallulah
- Thibodaux
- Ville Platte
- Abbeville
- Bastrop
- Breaux Bridge
- Bunkie
- Jonesville
- Kenner
- Marksville
- New Roads
- Raceland
- Rayville
- West Monroe
- Bossier City
- Broussard
- Charenton
- Cheneyville
- Church Point
- Clinton
- Colfax
- Columbia
- Coushatta
- Donaldsonville
- Ethel
- Farmerville
- Ferriday
- Homer
- Jennings
- Kaplan
- Kinder
- Lacombe
- Lake Providence
- Leesville
- Lutcher
- Minden
- Newellton
- Oak Grove
- Oakdale
- Oberlin
- Olla
- Port Allen
- Rayne
- Reserve
- Schriever
- Scott
- Springhill
- Sunset
- White Castle
- Vermilion Behavioral Health System
- Vermilion Behavioral Health System
is located at 2520 North University Avenue Lafayette, LA. 70507 and can be contacted by calling 855-771-3636. Vermilion Behavioral Health System offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Inpatient Hospital Treatment
Payment Options:
- Contact Us
- In the U.S., more than 40% of those who start drinking at age 14 or younger become alcoholic.
- Approximately 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks.
- Adolescents consume less alcohol and have fewer alcohol-related problems when their parents discipline them consistently and set clear expectations.
- Naltrexone and Acamprosate are both medications that were specifically developed to help alcohol dependent patients reduce their craving for alcohol. Both of these drugs have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration for the treatment of alcoholism.
For more information, visit