Treatment Centers by City
- New Orleans
- Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- Monroe
- Shreveport
- Lake Charles
- Mandeville
- Hammond
- Metairie
- New Iberia
- Pineville
- Alexandria
- Bogalusa
- Covington
- Deridder
- Gonzales
- Gretna
- Houma
- Morgan City
- Opelousas
- Slidell
- Winnsboro
- Crowley
- Denham Springs
- Harvey
- La Place
- Luling
- Mamou
- Marrero
- Natchitoches
- Ruston
- Tallulah
- Thibodaux
- Ville Platte
- Abbeville
- Bastrop
- Breaux Bridge
- Bunkie
- Jonesville
- Kenner
- Marksville
- New Roads
- Raceland
- Rayville
- West Monroe
- Bossier City
- Broussard
- Charenton
- Cheneyville
- Church Point
- Clinton
- Colfax
- Columbia
- Coushatta
- Donaldsonville
- Ethel
- Farmerville
- Ferriday
- Homer
- Jennings
- Kaplan
- Kinder
- Lacombe
- Lake Providence
- Leesville
- Lutcher
- Minden
- Newellton
- Oak Grove
- Oakdale
- Oberlin
- Olla
- Port Allen
- Rayne
- Reserve
- Schriever
- Scott
- Springhill
- Sunset
- White Castle
- Townsend
- Townsend
is located at 4540 Ambassador Caffery Parkway Lafayette, LA. 70508 and can be contacted by calling 337-216-7502. Townsend offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Detox, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- The lowest rates of heavy alcohol use are among data clerks, personnel specialists and secretaries.
- Several factors influence how alcohol will affect a person: age, gender, physical condition, amount of food eaten and other drugs or medicines taken.
- In a study that was conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), it was reported that alcohol metabolism alters the balance of reproductive hormones in both men and women.
- Research has shown that chronic alcohol consumption for six months or more can produce permanent deficits and neural damage.
For more information, visit