Treatment Centers by City
- New Orleans
- Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- Monroe
- Shreveport
- Lake Charles
- Mandeville
- Hammond
- Metairie
- New Iberia
- Pineville
- Alexandria
- Bogalusa
- Covington
- Deridder
- Gonzales
- Gretna
- Houma
- Morgan City
- Opelousas
- Slidell
- Winnsboro
- Crowley
- Denham Springs
- Harvey
- La Place
- Luling
- Mamou
- Marrero
- Natchitoches
- Ruston
- Tallulah
- Thibodaux
- Ville Platte
- Abbeville
- Bastrop
- Breaux Bridge
- Bunkie
- Jonesville
- Kenner
- Marksville
- New Roads
- Raceland
- Rayville
- West Monroe
- Bossier City
- Broussard
- Charenton
- Cheneyville
- Church Point
- Clinton
- Colfax
- Columbia
- Coushatta
- Donaldsonville
- Ethel
- Farmerville
- Ferriday
- Homer
- Jennings
- Kaplan
- Kinder
- Lacombe
- Lake Providence
- Leesville
- Lutcher
- Minden
- Newellton
- Oak Grove
- Oakdale
- Oberlin
- Olla
- Port Allen
- Rayne
- Reserve
- Schriever
- Scott
- Springhill
- Sunset
- White Castle
- Family Plus Counseling Louisiana
- Family Plus Counseling Louisiana
is located at 3101 Armand Street Monroe, LA. 71202 and can be contacted by calling 318-323-2030. Family Plus Counseling Louisiana offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help
- Contact Us
- Think that you may have a problem with alcohol? Keep a drinking diary. Write down how many drinks you consume over a month-long period and how much it costs you. When you realize how much dough you're sinking on drinking, it might give you incentive to cut down your alcohol intake even further.
- Drinking heavily or binge drinking regularly causes withdrawal symptoms to occur when a person abruptly discontinues the use of alcohol.
- Alcohol also may interfere with normal sperm structure and movement by blocking the metabolism of vitamin A, which is essential for sperm development.
- 40 percent of homicides are alcohol related.
For more information, visit