Treatment Centers by City
- New Orleans
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- White Castle
- Compass Behavioral Center of Mamou
- Compass Behavioral Center of Mamou
is located at 1510 Napoleon Street Mamou, LA. 70554 and can be contacted by calling 337-468-2333. Compass Behavioral Center of Mamou offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Alcohol Day Treatment Services
Payment Options: Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- In one study, an estimated 79% of adolescent runaways and homeless youth reported alcohol use in the home, 53% reported problem drinking in the home, and 54% reported drug use in the home.
- According to the Task Force of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, three in every ten people in the United States will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some time in their lives.
- In 2003, more than half of high school seniors reported having been drunk at least once in their life.
- Alcohol is broken down by the liver at the rate of approximately one unit per hour (a pint of normal strength beer being two units). As a result, it is possible to still be under the influence of alcohol the following morning.
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