Treatment Centers by City
- New Orleans
- Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- Monroe
- Shreveport
- Lake Charles
- Mandeville
- Hammond
- Metairie
- New Iberia
- Pineville
- Alexandria
- Bogalusa
- Covington
- Deridder
- Gonzales
- Gretna
- Houma
- Morgan City
- Opelousas
- Slidell
- Winnsboro
- Crowley
- Denham Springs
- Harvey
- La Place
- Luling
- Mamou
- Marrero
- Natchitoches
- Ruston
- Tallulah
- Thibodaux
- Ville Platte
- Abbeville
- Bastrop
- Breaux Bridge
- Bunkie
- Jonesville
- Kenner
- Marksville
- New Roads
- Raceland
- Rayville
- West Monroe
- Bossier City
- Broussard
- Charenton
- Cheneyville
- Church Point
- Clinton
- Colfax
- Columbia
- Coushatta
- Donaldsonville
- Ethel
- Farmerville
- Ferriday
- Homer
- Jennings
- Kaplan
- Kinder
- Lacombe
- Lake Providence
- Leesville
- Lutcher
- Minden
- Newellton
- Oak Grove
- Oakdale
- Oberlin
- Olla
- Port Allen
- Rayne
- Reserve
- Schriever
- Scott
- Springhill
- Sunset
- White Castle
- Center for Behavorial Health
- Center for Behavorial Health
is located at 1910 Ruffin Drive Monroe, LA. 71202 and can be contacted by calling 318-340-9596.
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Detox, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detox Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Expectant Mothers, Women, Court Appointed Client Services, Spanish Speaking
Payment Options: Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Joseph Hazelwood, who was the captain that was responsible for the crash of the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled over 11 million barrels of crude oil, was reported to be drinking at the time of the crash which caused devastation to the environment that is still being felt today.
- Most people who develop dependence on alcohol do so between 18 and 25 years of age.
- Girls from middle-class families indulge in alcoholic binge drinking excessively in comparison to those from poor families.
- One of the biggest problems in regard to alcoholism in the United States is a lack of recognition of alcohol problems and intervention in patients by doctors throughout this country.
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